Cyberbullying is NOT ok.
No one deserves bullying in their life.

Being bullied?
Whether you’re dealing with someone who pushes you around, a mystery cyber troll or a pack of venomous girls, it’s important you know how to cope with bullies.
You probably already know this, but bullying is more than just a one-off thing (like a friend calling you a name when they’re angry). It’s when someone sets out to make your life miserable.
Cyberbullying is a criminal offence
Cyberbullying getting you down?
Need someone to talk to?
Bullies have been around forever, but technology now gives them a whole new platform for their actions. The old "sticks and stones" saying is no longer true — both real-world and online name-calling can have serious emotional consequences for our kids and teens.

Info for teachers
There are steps that schools can take to address the issue of cyberbullying, and first and foremost is to promote a culture of mutual respect and a tolerance or appreciation for diversity. Schools can provide information to students about the legal ramifications of cyberbullying as well as make it a part of the school's policy and student code of conduct with regard to the use of technology and appropriate and respectful interactions that do not compromise the physical, emotional health of students, with specific consequences detailed.
Cyberbullying definition (pdf)
Cyberbullying vs Traditional bullying
10 ways to tackle cyberbullying
Workplace Cyberbully
Cyberbullying is a very passive form of bullying. It is as serious as any other form of workplace bullying and has the potential to be even more insidious. You can take steps to block and verify who contacts you in order to gain back some control. Remember, the bully’s nature is to try and take your power because they feel they do not have their own.
11 ways to deal with a work place cyberbully
What can HR do about cyberbullying?


We have been given an incredible opportunity through the Te Punanga Haumaru Fund, to drive a cyber-bullying awareness campaign throughout the Waitomo District. This is part of a nationwide initiative by the Te Punanga Haumaru Fund to address the issue of cyber and social networking abuse; more specifically to create a cultural shift in our communities so that together we can say 'cyber-bullying is not okay'.
The approach to this campaign has been on a number of levels. The first has been to create an overall campaign strategy and then to present that to the local school Principal's. Once the buy in had been achieved the more detailed activities have now been worked out. The next part was to utilize the local 'youth council' who helped formulate a code of conduct which is now being made available through a link to individuals own Facebook page, through the trials youth page called 'Number Twelve'. The seven points of their 'code' have been presented at 10 school assemblies within the Waitomo district through both a PowerPoint presentation and local youth speaking to this issue, and highlighting the means we can employ to bring about change.
The next part of the campaign was to see over 250 students come together on the 16th of April to a combined schools 'Top Town' event. This was a 'cyber-bullying' themed day involving social workers, Population health, Sport Waikato, NZ Police, Journey church and other community groups. There was a range of fun activities that promoted the initiative, innovation and working together as a team.

It was during the second term that some Primary School students participated in a multi-media presentation competition. They highlighted the 'abuse' issue and provide a remedy in their presentations. The winning entries are available for viewing on this cyber bullying link.
Piopio College's drama team created and performed an excellent interactive play, whereby all of our Primary schools were able to watch and participate. The students had opportunities to both alter the play according to ‘What should have happened’ and they could also have a chance at acting themselves. This type of drama has proven to be a very successful medium in the UK.
The final act of the 2014 campaign was a community dinner where Netsafe’s Lee Chisholm gave a talk about cyber safety. This was complimented with an excellent meal, quizzes and fun challenges that reinforced the cyber bullying message.
The present campaign for 2015 has been so far very successful. The target audience has been high school aged youth in the Waitomo District, and based on some comments and pro-active behaviour on the ‘Number Twelve’ youth page, the message of ‘cyber-bullying is not ok’ has really gained traction.
The year has seen the production of numerous posters of our local youth advocating for healthy social media practices, which in turn have been distributed throughout all of our local schools. They have also created a short promotional film with a distinctly youth perception which is also available via the link on this page.
Also, you will find a growing ‘toolbox’ of information on this page of links and programs that can assist when cyber-bullying/abuse does occur. Shortly you see a link that will direct you to the song that the youth have recorded that speaks to this issue of cyber abuse.
The year will then round out with a huge billboard sign that will be in the main street of Te Kuiti for the months of October and November, there will be one more two-page feature in the Waitomo News. In November there shall be a debate over a roast dinner between the youth and adults regarding the use and misuse of Social Media; this will be for three nights and a drama will also set the tone at some of these evenings.
Our final act will be a community dinner to celebrate what the campaign has achieved throughout the year.

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cyberbullyingsong 0001

Cyberbullying Savannah

Cyberbullying Tamara Fagan Pukenui

Cyberbullying Hinearangi and Ria Ngatai Pukenui