We gather as a family of faith.
If you are visiting us at Journey Church, we do hope that you feel valued and welcome. We have been around as a church in this town for over forty years, and we count it a privilege to serve God through the various doors and opportunities that He gives us. Our church is strongly involved in our local community, particularly with the number Twelve Youth Hub, our Food Bank, and hosting our elderly folk to a morning tea and a movie on the first Wednesday of each month.
We find great strength in gathering as a family of faith. We hold dear that each person is created unique, and having been called, are regarded as most precious in the eyes of God. We do hope that you sense that in your visit with us. Our passion is to help people to discover the incredible transforming power of Christ, to know that they are loved, and that their God will never give up on them!
We can testify to the many occasions that though we may not have always played our part well, God has remained faithful, and He has been our very present help in times of need. Also, we have seen that through stepping out and trusting Him, we have been able to do things that twenty years ago, we never thought were possible!
For further information please feel free to contact either the Senior Minister (Terry Bradley 021 703 008), his wife Rowena (021 183 3842), or the Assistant Pastor (Liz Brandon 027 303 1206) for further information on what we do and are about. Church Office: 07 878 8694 and Church Email: officejourneynz@gmail.com