Journey church is a member of the New Zealand Assemblies of God movement. It has had a continual presence in Te Kuiti for over forty years; thirty-nine of those years have been in its current location at 10 Sheridan Street Te Kuiti.
It began as a church in the early eighties and up until 2008 was known as the 'Waitomo Christian Fellowship.' It has also been referred to as 'the Lighthouse' and 'the Fellowship.' However, it has been guided by its new name, 'Journey church' since that 2008 changeover.
The renaming of the church to 'Journey' occurred for two keys reasons. The first was to reflect the spiritual dynamic that occurs when a believer places their trust in Jesus Christ as the author and finisher of their faith. As much as we like to feel that we are in total control of our destiny, walking with God requires faith, and a confidence that God who knows what is best for us, will on many occasions, reveal only that which we need to know for 'the now.' It also implies that we are willing to place our lives in the Masters hands, knowing that our Lord is fundamentally,

and eternally good. He knows our short comings and weaknesses, and yet faithfully, and most graciously, He empowers, and inspires us to press on with Him, and become the person and people that He intended us to be!
The second reason for our name Journey is to recognize that we as a body of believers exist to bring glory to God. And that through practical and spiritual means we can bring positive change to the community, both local and international. Our name as a church declares that we are not static, but are continually 'going' into our community, travelling beyond our own comforts and preferences, going that ‘little bit further’ so that people might be reached with the life and love of God!
Our hope is that we can be that 'city on a hill,' and through the way we engage with our community, both individually and as a family of believers, we can by God's grace, be a proof to the amazing reality of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

Our mission is ‘To live in a dynamic and loving relationship with Christ as our Lord, and to enjoy Him always’. Through this, we seek to demonstrate Gods love to our neighbour and to make disciples, wherever hearts are open. Our strength and capacity for doing this great task comes as we are empowered by the Holy Spirit, and moved through His grace at work in us.
Our vision is that ‘As we follow Christ, we can bring hope to the world.’ It is in our following Him that we become like Him, and effectively journey into the world, bringing faith and hope for a better future. We also believe that only His all-redeeming and saving love, can truly satisfy the deepest ache of the human heart.
Our values are excellence, integrity, creativity, courage, worship, teachability, learning, love, and grace.
Our purpose is to be a channel from which the Holy Spirit can flow through, empowering us to be life, healing and hope to our community.
Biblical Foundations
We believe that the Scriptures, both Old and New Testaments, are inspired of God, and are His revelation to humanity. They are the infallible, and authoritative rule of faith to fruitful living before God, and in the world. Journey holds to the statement of faith of our Movement, the Assemblies of God in New Zealand. www.agnz.org